Tarmo Virki: The Greenback of the 21st Century? It's the Nature, Stupid

Single.Earth News
September 8, 2021
Tarmo Virki

I was a teenager when saving the environment became the main drive behind the movement that led to the end of Estonia's occupation by the Red Army. My passion for nature probably stems from that time in the late 1980s. Helping to save the world has been the underlying drive throughout my career.

I’ve always had a mission to put the environment and climate on the radar for my readers. It’s never been my job, but I’ve written numerous articles about climate change and even the original Kyoto agreement, keeping the topic in the headlines when it wasn’t as popular as today.

I first met the  founders of Single.Earth in early 2021 as a journalist working on a story for Reuters. What intrigued me was not their plan to launch a nature-backed token but that this was just a first step towards building a new, green financial system.

When we met again later in the year, investors and many teammates had validated the idea. It was evident to me that this is a challenge worth investing in during my time here on planet Earth.

It might sound cheesy to all the cynics out there (as a journalist, I am one), but eventually, all we want is to leave a better, cleaner, healthier planet for our children. With Single.Earth, we have the chance to do that.


Tarmo Virki started as Chief of Communications and Content at Single.Earth in August. In his spare time, he works on a craft drinks brand Lahhentagge.

Before joining Single.Earth Tarmo spent more than 10 years at Reuters, in roles like EMEA Technology Correspondent and Helsinki Bureau Chief.

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