Jens Kasemets: Having the Courage to Change the World

Single.Earth News
October 4, 2021
Jens Kasemets

At Skype, I worked with people who didn't recognize barriers -- the approach was always: if there’s an idea, let's try it out. Coming from a small country, people tend to think we cannot conquer the world but Skype’s approach gave confidence to many. If you do whatever you want, then you can achieve whatever you want. Now, ten years later, we see the results of that. And we’re just getting started.

Now, there’s a similar situation in the crypto world to what we had in long-distance telephony. The decentralized finance sector is in its early stages but it's already clear that it will rapidly change the world’s financial sector.

If you combine changing the world, making it better, and the crypto world, then you get Single.Earth. For me, Single.Earth is a match made in heaven that covers many topics I’m interested in and find important.

As I'm living in Berlin, I was looking at the opportunities locally but during the pandemic, remote work boomed, opening up the job market for everyone. For me, it's a perfect fit - I can work where I want.

I'm an avid sailor. I spend quite a lot of time at sea, especially the Baltic Sea. On a positive note - despite the CO2 levels rising across the whole world - the Baltic Sea is healing, and that's visible.

If there's a will, there is a way to do it.


Jens Kasemets is a Marketplace Lead at Single.Earth. Before joining Single.Earth, Jens worked for seven years at collaboration platform Wire. The serial entrepreneur spent 2007-2010 at Skype, the first Estonian unicorn.Join Jens and our team on the mission:

Single.Earth is on a mission to help preserve and restore existing ecosystems.

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