Indrek Jõgi: The Solution is in Redirecting Purchasing Power

Single.Earth News
February 9, 2022
Indrek Jõgi

When starting my career as a software developer, I already had a plan in my head. First, I wanted to work in an enterprise-oriented company where all the processes are in place. Next, I wanted to work in a place where I would learn how to build an idea up quickly and efficiently. After that, I wanted to work somewhere where my contribution would bring the common good to the world.

At some point in my career, I also became interested in blockchains and how to use them to create decentralized applications. When a friend of mine told me that he was applying for a position in a company that uses blockchain to save nature, it ticked all the boxes. I knew it was time for me to get active.

I went over to Single.Earth’s website to see if they had any vacancies for a blockchain-oriented position. When I didn’t find one, I wrote to the CEO on LinkedIn. She seemed very friendly and pointed me to a generic career form. At that moment, I already knew I would work there; not because of any hints but because I wanted it so much. I just felt I would just show my best self because I was committed to giving my best.

So why was I so excited to work at Single.Earth? I guess it comes down to when I was a kid. From an early age, my parents, grandparents, and great-grandmother taught me to aspire to do good things and help others. I’ve always been very curious about the world around me and I’ve found the variations of different lifeforms on this planet fascinating.

That’s why I’ve always been sad to know that there will be less and less of them around as time progresses. I’m also aware that our human nature and the comforts of our modern life will hinder our attempts to tackle the challenges of the rapidly changing climate.

Therefore, the solution needs to be centered around creating better incentives for doing the right thing. This way, we get to be consumers and direct our purchasing power towards the common good. While we need to debate the morals of a consumerist society, as an engineer, I sense the urgency of creating something tangible today.

I joined Single.Earth because I believe that we can build the solution now. It is our duty to future generations to try until we have exhausted all possibilities.

We shouldn’t need to leave our planet’s atmosphere and head towards outer space to understand how precious the air we breathe is, how pleasant it is to drink fresh water, or to look at the greenery and know there is life teeming out there.

We indeed just have this single earth, and now is the time to use all the skills at our disposal to preserve it.


Single.Earth is on a mission to help preserve and restore existing ecosystems.

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