Ecosystem Integrity
and Biodiversity Credits

Buy Ecosystem Integrity and Biodiversity Credits, preserve threatened forests,  
improve your ESG performance.

Backed by science. Approved by auditors.  
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Ecosystem Integrity and Biodiversity Credits backed by science

Peer-reviewed Ecosystem Integrity Index (EII) combines biodiversity variables into a single measurement of the health of the ecosystem.

Ecosystem Integrity, Biodiversity, Carbon combined

Issued based on net carbon removal, adjusted by ecosystem integrity and biodiversity values.

Single.Earth Ecosystem Integrity and Biodiversity Credits finance the protection of threatened forests of high biodiversity and ecosystem value.
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ESG compatible credits, approved by auditors

Contributions to nature made with the Single.Earth Ecosystem Integrity and Biodiversity Credits hird-party verified ith
ESRS and CSRD disclosure elements E1 Climate change and ESRS E4 Biodiversity and ecosystems.

Ecosystem Integrity and Biodiversity Credits available today

We're proud to be one of the first and largest Ecosystem Interity and Biodiversity Credit providers, working directly with landowners in Europe, South America, and rapidly expanding to Asia and other parts of the world.

Buy credits, receive a contribution certificate, and track your contributions on your dashboard.
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